GPUs and Laptops: Should They Mix

Laptops are a great way to have mobile access to a computer. They offer amazing mobility as well as a power source that prevents any sudden..

Monitors: The Good, the Bad

Plenty of PC users today are no longer satisfied with the standard-sized monitor. Many want a larger screen in order to navigate their many programs.

Is Wireless for the best?

Wireless technology is rising among gadgets and their accessories. However, should you take that step and upgrade your items for…

The Dangers of Downloads

Today, nearly every technology can access the internet. With WIFI being readily available for free in a lot of places, people all over can..

Troubleshooting with Sound

Sometimes, listening to your device can tell you a lot about its current state. While it can be difficult to diagnose issues on technology without…

Fighting Dust within Technology

With phones, computers, tablets, laptops, and even smartwatches, cleaning is an important part of the routine. With constant use, your devices…

Dealing with Planned Obsolescence

When buying gadgets today, you have to watch out for planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is the intentional manufacturing of goods that…

PC Upgrades versus Console Upgrades

Upgrading is an essential and inevitable part of gaming. Whether it is from a PC or a console like the PlayStation, eventually you will have to..

Signs of Gaming Addiction

Addiction to gaming is very easy to acquire. Often times, you may not even know you have one until you are already on the very deep end of it.

Tips Before getting VPN

A VPN is a fantastic program that can mask your IP address when online. This program has a variety of uses, such as privacy, anonymity,