Geek and Tech

Wireless Earphone Couple iPhone 7 Reported Exploded

Bursting and burning of certain devices such as mobile phones are already common. But what if the exploding device is not a phone, but an earphone? This is a new thing.

Apple wireless earphone device, AirPods reportedly exploded in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This is experienced by a young man from Tampa, United States named Colon.


Based on his confession, he was listening to remix dance music in a gym. At that moment he noticed something odd on his AirPods device.

Without cause, his AirPods smoke. Without waiting, Colon left the device and left the gym to ask for help.

Upon returning and calling for help, Colon was surprised to find his device was burning.

“It’s the craziest thing I’ve ever experienced,” said Colon quoted geekandtech from WLFA, Friday (9/2/2018).

“Imagine if it happened to my ears, maybe my ear could burn,” he added.

Although not knowing the exact cause, Colon suspect the explosion occurred because there is a problem with the battery AirPods. The reason, AirPods is a wireless voice output device connected to the iPhone 7 via bluetooth .

Apple did the investigation

Responding to the case, Apple through its spokesman said that it was conducting an investigation and will immediately contact Colon.

The back of Apple’s related product line is not the case this time. Previously, the iPhone device has experienced an explosion in the Apple Store located in Switzerland and Spain.

The explosion occurred due to the battery’s zipper. The case of the blast wounded up to seven people.

In addition to Apple, Samsung with its Galaxy Note 7 device has also experienced similar things. Again due to short circuit due to expanding battery.

Although not enough to claim casualties, Samsung in the end pulled the circulation of the Galaxy Note 7 from the market, for safety reasons.

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