Geek and Tech

Twitter Confessed Ever Sell Data to Cambridge Analytica

Not less than 87 million data Facebook users abused by data analysis firm Cambridge Analytica . But in fact, Facebook is not the only social network associated with Cambridge Analytica. The Twitter microblog platform recently admitted to ever selling public data access to Global Science Research (GSR) headed by Aleksandr Kogan.

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To note, Kogan is the man behind the scenes who make the quiz #thisisyourdigitallife, which then harvest the data of Facebook users secretly. According to Twitter, GSR was given the flexibility to access public data Twitter on a large scale in 2015, in just one day.

Information accessed includes postings for several months. “By 2015, the GSR once accessed the random tweets public API for five months, from December 2014 to April 2015”, I’m Twitter. After the evaluation, Twitter claims to not find any data privacy users who secretly accessed GSR, as well as done to Facebook.

GSR called paying Twitter to be able to access the public data, although not explained in more detail to what data is taken GSR. Reported from Bloomberg , Monday (30/4/2018), Twitter claims to have deleted Cambridge Analytica along with ads affiliated with the firm.

Twitter does provide access to public data for companies, developers and users via the Twitter API, or software that asks for and sends information. The microblog platform sells public data to organizations, commonly used to analyze agendas, general sentiments or customer service.

The company gained extensive access data, including posting the last 30 days and even posts since 2006. To access the data, Twitter asks parties who want to get data access, to explain how they plan to use the data.

At first glance, the sale of public access data to Cambridge Analytica is not a big privacy issue, as it did on Facebook. Because Twitter’s Twitter and Twitter profiles are not too user privacy, except for what he writes for public and public information such as shared locations, short biographies or profile photos.

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