Geek and Tech

Taking the ‘Smart’ Out of the Smart Items

Smart things surround us. Over the decade, the term smart shifted its definition to mean ‘computer-powered’. From smart phones, smart cars, to smart houses – the current trends are simple. Add computers to everyday objects and jack up the prices significantly. But are these smart objects essential? Or are they merely overkill?

Smart Refridgerators

Fridge computers are a thing – believe it or not. The idea is that by adding a tablet device right into the door of a fridge, you can be more productive. One of the ideas is that you can use the tablet while cooking. It also has sensors and can even give you live footage of the inside of the fridge. If only there was a way to see what the inside without the tablet!

Smart Roads

Smart roads are another ‘smart’ version of a proven commodity. The idea is that by adding lights to roadsides, you can see the road better. This is a good idea on its own – however, the problem comes with its power source. People started adding solar panels to road surfaces as a way to generate electricity. The problem was that roads take a beating from thousands of cars daily. The panels never lasted, and maintenance costs for repairs were too high.

Smart Watches

Now this is a bit controversial. Smart watches offer a ton of features that regular watches do not have. These include heart rate monitors, calories burnt, distance traveled, steps counter, etc. But are these essential? Do these features justify charging your watches frequently, when a regular watch can last years with little maintenance?

Smarting Up

The most common feature in all these is convenience. Everyone wants an easier way to do things. Sometimes, they go a little overboard. The appeal is there for a reason. People want a better way to do things and are willing to pay for it. But should you?

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