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Latest Research Play FPS Game Habit, Dangerous to Brain

Two researchers from the Université de Montréal and McGill University published a study them on molecular psychiatry. From the research, they found a link between the first-person shooter game(FPS) and the gray matter reduction in the hippocampus.


Gray matter is an intelligence-related gene, while the hippocampus is the part of the brain that consolidates short memory into long-term memory and spatial navigation capability.

Two professors named Gregory and Veronique Bohbot, then conducted experiments with recruiting respondents aged 18-30 years. The respondents had never previously played video games.

In a four-year experiment, respondents were directed to play FPS games under the supervision of the two professors. The subjects of the study were divided into two, those using spatial memory to navigate and those using nucleus nuclei.

The nucleus of the nucleus in the brain has a function to form habits. From the experimental results, as many as 85 percent of those who play more than six hours a week have an increase in nucleus nuclei as well as a decrease in the hippocampus material.

That is, essentially, playing FPS reduces the ability to remember rather than affect behavior.

For those who experience gray matter decline in the hippocamus has a high risk of post-traumatic disorder (PTSD) increase . At a young age, they have a tendency to experience depression and in old age will experience Alzhaimer.

The longer the duration of game play will further exacerbate brain damage. According to researchers, the habit of using nucleus core makes the player into “auto pilot learning” which is not good.

Most of the FPS maps are relatively small with some important points to shoot, ambush and the like. Most players will struggle to access one point as quickly as possible by training the brain to navigate in a small virtual room. This is what will cause damage.

Researchers also formed a group that plays Super Mario 3D video game platform . As a result, this group did not experience hippocampal degradation as FPS players. This indicates that damage is only possible due to perspectives in certain types of games.

Game Super Mario using a third-person perspective as Mario characters seemingly overall. While the FPS, more use the perspective of the first person, as if the player actually entered into the virtual space.

The gamer who suffered damage to the hippocampal having played a game recommended for rehabilitation of brain damage. When stepping on old age, hippocampus gamers will experience a decrease in performance.

When old, humans tend to move a little and just follow the pattern of routine, it will slowly eat the nucleus of the nucleus. As the hippocampus shrinks, other memory areas will be affected, as KompasTekno sums up from on Wednesday (2/14/2018).

The results of this study is not yet a final conclusion. Could be, other researchers will later replicate this method to apply to other studies to examine games, demographics, and other parts of the brain.

The argument that video games have a negative impact is difficult to dispute, as well as the positive side of the brain. To reduce the negative effects , FPS gamers may be able to try a variety of other video games, such as Super Mario Odyssey or other similar games.

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